Sousoší - Galerie Roudnice

13. 11. 2020 — 17. 01. 2021

According to the official definition, a gallery is a museum specialized in visual arts. It is a collection-building institution, whose main purpose is to thoughtfully and systematically expand its collections and professionally care for already acquired works of art, making them available to researchers and the general public. The ReVize exhibition is based on this idea, which will be realized for the fourth year as a contribution to the recently established tradition in the dramaturgy of the Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem. The basic idea of the ReVize exhibition project is the revival and re-presentation of works from the collections of the Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem with the contribution of the invention of young artists. Just as in the inventory the true state of the gallery fund is ascertained, so also in this transferred form we revise the collection objects, namely through the eyes of the emerging artistic generation. The very selection of works from the permanent exhibition or from the depository leads the authors to think about placing the work in the wider context of the global, but also of their own artistic creation. At the same time, young authors also enrich the gallery itself with this feedback, whose works are thus shown in the light of contemporary artistic discourse. The intention of the gallery is to accept newly created works of young creators into its collections and thus systematically expand the collection of contemporary art. At the end of 2020, the fourth year of the ReVize project will take place. This time, we invited the young artist Jakub Tajovský to collaborate, whose work will be included in the GMU's permanent exhibition.
Jakub Tajovský is a graduate of the Painting Studio (Prof. Petr Kvíčala) at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the BUT in Brno and currently a doctoral student there. He is an artist whose work reflects a very deep interest in the synthesis of painting theory and practice. The basis of his work is always a very specific thought construct, which he further develops both materially and technologically. In his painting practice, Tajovský relies on years of deepening interest in the theory of mental grasping of the image medium not only as a means of a possible optical reflection of reality, but also as an indicator of the potential of its expanded perception. By collaborating with the Roudní gallery, Tajovský continues his long-standing project Synthetic Landscapes. The starting point of these artistic cycles, or rather entire exhibition projects, is the study of the possible form and degree of mutual influence of the natural and artificial environment. Tajovský adopts visual and material parts from nature in order to transform them into a new (but based on different principles) whole. The resulting new landscape thus consists of both authentic landscape elements (minerals, rock formations, mosses and resins) and man-made environments (artificial colors, PVC and metal materials or digital platforms). Unlike the previous landscapes, the author does not primarily update nature as such in Roudnice nad Labem, but rather selected sculptural works from the Gallery of Modern Art depository.

In it's own field