Hay Straw Dump, Václav Špála Gallery - Prague
SJCH curatorial team (Barbora Ciprová, Veronika Čechová, Tereza Jindrová, Karina Kottová) link to the SJCH website
28.3. - 3/5/2023

The group exhibition project Hay, Straw, Dump was prepared for the Václav Špály Gallery by the Jindřich Chalupecký Society. The exhibition is a look back at Zorka Ságlová's iconic realization as part of the exhibition Somewhere Something (together with Jan Ságle, Běla Kolářová and Jiří Kolář), shown in the Václav Špála Gallery in 1969 under the dramaturgical direction of Jindřich Chalupecký. At that time, Ságlová brought a large amount of drying hay, alfalfa and straw to the gallery, which she and her friends went to turn regularly and encouraged the audience to do this activity as well. The works of two dozen local and international artists selected for the exhibition Hay, Straw, Dump deal with both the reflection of the consequences of the period of agricultural collectivization and contemporary ecofeminist perspectives. Focusing on interspecies solidarity, respectful and sustainable relationships and coexistence, they depict situations where nature contaminated by human activity takes over and re-establishes a balance in which humans may or may not participate.
(official text of the exhibition)

Melting threads