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Dirty heroes and Oriental Beauties

Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties.jpg
Dirty Heroes 1.jpg

Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties; 2020-2022

19x21cm, Autorská technika, šelak, Dřevěná deska

Cena: 5000Kč/€210 ****





Dirty Heroes 8.jpg
Dirty heroes 2.jpg
Dirty Heroes 4.jpg
Guilty pleasure.jpg
Dirty Heroes 6.jpg
Dirty Heroes 5.jpg
Drty Heroes 12.jpg
Dirty heroes 11.jpg
Dirty Heroes 3.jpg
Dirty Heroes 7.jpg
Dirty Heroes 10.jpg
Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 01.jpg
Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 02.jpg
Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 04.jpg













Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties; 2023

19x21cm, Autorská technika, šelak, Dřevěná deska

Cena: 5000Kč/ €210 ***



Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 08.jpg
Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 06.jpg



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Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 9.jpg



Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 12.jpg
Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 10.jpg



Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 14.jpg


Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 16.jpg
Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 17.jpg


Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties; 2023

33x40cm, Autorská technika, Glup, šelak, Dřevěná deska 

Cena: 8000Kč/ €335

Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 11.jpg
Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 18.jpg



Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties 03.jpg

Dirty heroes and Oriental beauties is an open series of poetic or diary interpretations of beauty and heroism. 

Beauty, as an ideal of aesthetic perfection, was in the past associated with exotism, fascination with foreign culture and something that is rarely attainable by humans.

Nowadays and in the European context of information and travel accessibility, oriental is no longer the exotic in the original sense of the word. On the other hand, we are increasingly confronted with the exoticism of interspecies dependence and geological conditionality.

At this point we learn to re-understand time and space and care for what we used to think we controlled.  

Basic categories such as good and evil, or beauty and heroism, were never dogmatic truths, but rather a tool for understanding the world. Heroism, in films, in culture or politics, is also no longer a prerequisite for moral sovereignty, but rather a manifestation of the will to change things despite the circumstances and experienced stereotypes. 

In this series, I try to technically and symbolically explore the mentioned categories, without the need to idealize or realistically define them, but with the intention of seeing and recording them in a new or forgotten light. 

The intention is to evoke in the subconscious mind ideas about the beauty of others and the sincerity of heroism. 

*Popular culture notwithstanding, not all heroism has to be dirty, and not all beauties have to be oriental.




Pseudorealistic objects

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